At the end of this summer, I was preparing to return to my job as a part time teacher working with English Language Learners at the local high school.  I got a registered letter in the mail from the high school.  I figured it was my contract.  Wrong!  It was from the new principal saying that actually I don’t have a job in the fall.  The funding for my position was gone, and so I was to not expect a job.  Bummer!

This was disappointing for two reasons.  One, that was my funding that we needed to send our second son to the Christian high school in town.  But more than that, my heart was passionate about helping at that school. This spring I helped pilot a new program there which saw great success!  It was with the Marshallese, Filipino, and Mexican students who had just arrived in the US.  I’d been working off and on with these kids for several years either at the high school or in the community with Salvation Army. The kids who worked with me and my little cohort of “aunties” had made almost two years progress in a few months.  (The program we were using is called Phono-Graphix.)

I decided to trust the Lord in the midst of the unknown.  I remembered His faithfulness in the past, how he’d carried me through many summers when I needed to pay bills and was just sub teaching, or waitressing and subbing, or when I was needed to train teachers overseas and He brought in every dollar (Palau, Papua New Guinea, etc.).

I have a little reader board that a parent gave me last Christmas.  I spelled out, “Resting in the Middle,” and decided to do just that.

The principal at our son’s  school heard I was without work, and decided to create a job for me.  She offered me 9th grade health and art.  I told her my heart was really at the high school with the more at-risk population.  I’d pray about it.

I was summoned to the high school to pick up my last paycheck from summer school where I’d been continuing to pour into these kids to help them become fully literate.  On the way, I realized it had to happen this day.  I was continuing on from the high school up to the Christian school to agree on that position.

I prayed.  “God, if you want me to still work with these kids, cause someone to be in the office when I swing by to get this check.”  I was tearing up as I drove, trying to not fret.

Well, there was somebody.  In fact, several somebodies.  The counselor was there with whom I’ve worked for eight years.  She pulled me outside and listened to my heart, and was able to track down the new director of the ELL dept., with whom I worked closely last spring.  She told me their biggest need was 6th period, 12:30-1:30. Could I come in just that period even as a volunteer?  I said I’d let her know.

I continued up the hill five minutes to the Christian school.  The principal let me know the two positions were there for me to take.  But there was a gap between the two periods.  I asked what the time was–12:15-1:45.  This was just perfect for me to zip down the hill to cover that needy sixth period!  So I did, and I am.  It is such a treat to be back in the saddle at the high school, and to see God meet my financial needs in a supportive, godly environment at Josiah’s Christian school.  He is good!